Mikael Soendergaard and I are pleased to invite Ph.D. students and Post-Docs to the 13th Global and Cross Cultural Seminar and Conference at Maastricht University from June 17-22. We are extending the application deadline another
week to April 5, 2018, since we find that we have space for about 5 more participants.
This will be the last time that we hold the seminar and conference in its present format. Geert Hofstede turns 90 in October and indicates that this will be his last appearance. Hopefully, we will do something else for Ph.D. students and
Post-Docs in 2019 and later, but with substantial changes to the program.
Topic include:
The poster with application information is attached. Please post and invite friends and colleagues. We also welcome former participants.
Best wishes,
Mark F. Peterson
Professor, Hofstede Chair in Cultural Diversity, Maastricht University