We are glad to announce that the International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) will offer a doctoral workshop this October at its 4th annual conference in Shanghai, China. This doctoral workshop is intended for promising doctoral students who are in
their third-fourth year of the PhD program. The workshop welcomes students working in corporate governance from every discipline (e.g. accounting, economics, finance, management, sociology) and from every country. The workshop is open to doctoral students
with different theoretical and methodological traditions. Ideal candidates have already started their dissertation and are close to submit the first paper to a conference or a journal. During the workshop, students will have the opportunity to present and
discuss their research paper, and to meet and interact with peers and distinguished scholars.
The ICGS Doctoral Workshop has several objectives:
1. Offering a place where students can present and discuss their paper;
2. Providing feedbacks on paper presentation by peers and distinguished scholars;
3. Promoting the development of an international and interdisciplinary community of young and distinguished scholars working on corporate governance;
favoring meeting and interaction among scholars from different institutions, countries and disciplines.
Distinguished faculty members
Ruth V. Aguilera is a Full Professor at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University and a Visiting Professor at ESADE Business School. She spent the 2014-2015 academic year as a Visiting Full Professor in the Department of Strategy
and Policy, at the National University of Singapore Business School. Before going to South East Asia, she was a Professor at the College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—where she had been since receiving her PhD in Sociology at
Harvard University. Ruth’s research interests lie at the intersection of strategic organization and global strategy, specializing in international and comparative corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and internationalization. She is a Senior
Editor at Organization Science, an Associate Editor at Corporate Governance: An International Review, a Consulting Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies, and serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of
Management Review, Global Strategy Journal, Organization Studies, and Strategic Management Journal. She has recently been elected to the Board of the Strategic Management Society and the International Corporate Governance Society as well as inducted as a Fellow
of the Academy of International Business.
Guoli Chen is an Associate Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. His research focuses on the influence of CEOs, executives, and boards of directors on firms’ strategic choices and organizational outcomes. He is also interested in organizational growth, renewal
and corporate development activities, such as M&As, IPOs and innovation. His work is published in several top academic journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science and Strategic Management Journal.
Guoli has won an Emerging Scholar Award from Strategic Management Society (SMS) in 2016. He is the Associate Program Chair for the Corporate Strategy Interest Group at SMS, and was a representative-at-large at the Corporate Strategy and Corporate Governance
Interest Group. Guoli also has written multiple teaching cases studies, such as “Uber vs. Didi: The race for China’s ride-hailing market” and “A dark horse in the global smartphone market: Huawei’s smartphone strategy”. Guoli received his Ph.D. in strategic
management from the Pennsylvania State University. Prior to academia, he worked as an investment banker at Daiwa Securities.
William Q. Judge is the E.V. Williams Professor of Strategic Leadership at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. He received his MBA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Bill is the founding President of the
International Corporate Governance Society; is the former editor of Corporate Governance: An International Review; and currently serves on that journal’s advisory board. He previously served for nine years on the Board of Trustees of a large regional nonprofit
health system, and has consulted with organizations dealing with corporate governance and strategic leadership issues. Bill was a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Moscow, Russia and served as a distinguished visiting scholar at Instituto Impressa in Madrid, Spain.
During his nearly three-decade academic career, Professor Judge has earned teaching awards on five different occasions.
Xuhong Li is a Professor at School of Management, Fudan University. Her research interests focus on cultural and psychological process of strategic leadership and corporate governance, social psychology of Chinese corporate elites, as well as justice and
intrinsic motivation in talent management. Her most recent publication appears in Academy of Management Journal. She is the associate president of Shanghai Social Psychology Academy, and the Chair of the division of Psychology of Entrepreneurs. She also serves
on the editorial review board of Management and Organization Review, and the board of Shanghai Federation of Social Science Association. She has been a Fulbright Scholar of 2016, an International Faculty Fellow at MIT’s Sloan school of Management and a visiting
scholar at Tulane University.
Till Talaulicar is a Professor of Organization and Management at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt. He is an Associate Editor of Corporate Governance: An International Review, a Senior Editor of Management and
Organization Review and serves on the Editorial Review Board of Organization Science. His corporate governance research interests focus on the systems, structures and processes of governance as well as the determinants and consequences of the acceptance of
internationally recognized standards of good and responsible management.
Yan Anthea Zhang is a Professor and the Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Chair of Strategic Management at the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. Her areas of specialization include CEO succession and corporate governance, as well as foreign direct
investment and technology entrepreneurship in emerging markets. Her research has been published in top-tier business journals including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Research, among
others. She was the recipient of the 2010 Strategic Management Society Emerging Scholar Award. She has served as an associate editor of the Academy of Management Journal (2010-2013) and is an associate editor of Strategic Management Journal (2017-2020). She
currently serves on the board of directors of Strategic Management Society (SMS) and the board of directors of International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS).
David H. Zhu is an Associate Professor of Management and Dean’s Council Distinguished Scholar at the W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. His research builds on decision-making theories in social psychology to examine top executives'
decisions about corporate strategy and corporate governance. He also builds on structural sociology to understand how social structure influences CEO-board relations and inter-organizational relations. His research has been published in Academy of Management
Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Strategic Management Journal. He also severs
as a representative-at-large at IACMR (North America area) and Strategic Management Society (Corporate Governance and Strategic Leadership group). He received his PhD in strategy from the University of Michigan and received the 2010 William Newman Award from
the Academy of Management and the 2009 Best Conference Paper Prize from the Strategic Management Society.
Application process
Each applicant should submit: a cover letter stating you are applying to the ICGS Doctoral Workshop and you will attend the workshop if accepted. In addition, please indicate the number of years in your PhD program, your expected
dissertation proposal or defense, and your primary discipline;
a paper of 5,000 to 7,000 words, to be evaluated by a conference coordinating committee prior to the workshop. The submission should have one author and represent work that is "in progress" but also well thought out and articulated.
Selection criteria are the paper's fit with the conference focus, quality of research, practical relevance, and clarity of writing.
Participants to the workshop that would like to attend the third ICGS conference should register and pay the regular fee through the ICGS website (https://www.icgsociety.org/conferences/).
The applicants that meet the workshop quality criteria and reside in emerging markets/developing countries will receive travel support from the International Finance Corporation, amounting to the economy class roundtrip airfare. The list of the eligible
countries can be found here (http://ida.worldbank.org/about/borrowing-countries).
The workshop is sponsored by Wiley that will cover lunch, coffee break and social dinner for all participants.
Please Email Submissions by May 31, 2018 to:
David Zhu, PhD | Associate Professor of Management, Arizona State University. EMAIL:
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