Dear Colleagues,


We invite you to join us at the second ‘Famous Scholars’ in expatriate management symposium to be held at EURAM in Reykjavik, Iceland, 20-23 June 2018, sponsored by the International Management Division and hosted by the Expatriate Management Track.


Building on last year’s very successful inaugural symposium at EURAM in Glasgow, during which we engaged in a ‘Future Proofing Conversation with Famous Scholars About Their Seminal Articles,’ this year’s panel of famous scholars will feature Mina WestmanVesa Suutari, Margaret Shaffer, and Michael Dickmann on the theme of ‘Personal Stories About Getting Published.’


In a departure from the generic format these sessions usually entail, we will be delving deeper to draw on our famous scholars’ personal journey through the highs and lows of publishing their work. Honest accounts and personal examples can be expected! The session will focus on:

(1) selecting target journals - potluck or planned?

(2) navigating revisions - love it or hate it?

(3) handling 'difficult' reviews - anger or acceptance?

(4) dealing with rejection - give up or go forward?

(5) insider tips for building a publishing profile.


The EURAM ‘famous scholars’ symposium represents a rare opportunity to hear from leading scholars whose names we usually only see in print. The symposium will be jointly moderated and chaired by Yvonne McNulty and Jan Selmer. Q&A will be opened up to the floor throughout the 90-minute session for an interactive conversation. This is an ideal opportunity for doctoral students and early career researchers to learn from some of the best scholars in our field.


The standing (permanent) expatriate management track (EMT) at EURAM is now the largest of the expatriate studies track at any academic conference in the world. At the 2017 EURAM conference, there were 40 papers presented in the EMT alone (it being the largest specialist track at EURAM overall) which brought together a large and world-class group of expatriate scholars that included Mila Lazarova, Vesa Suutari, Jean-Luc Cerdin, Dave Lepak, Margaret Shaffer, Jan Selmer (track chair), Dave Collings, Jakob Lauring, Chris Brewster, Anne-Wil Harzing, and Maike Andresen (among others). Scholars participating in the EMT came from as far as Australia, South Africa, Singapore, and the USA. 


If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask. We look forward to seeing you in Reykjavik!


Kindest regards,

Yvonne McNulty and Jan Selmer

Professor Jan Selmer, Ph.D.
Founding Editor-in-Chief

Journal of Global Mobility (JGM)

Department of Management, Aarhus University

New Book: McNulty, Y. & Selmer J. (Eds.) (2017), Research Handbook of Expatriates. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Electronic version

New Article: Lauring, J., Selmer, J. & Kubovcikova, A. (2017), "Personality in Context: Effective Traits for Expatriate Managers at Different Levels", International Journal of Human Resource Managament. Download

New Article: Selmer, J. McNulty, Y., Lauring, J. & Vance, C. (2017), "Who is an Expat-Preneur? Toward a Better Understanding of a Key Talent Sector Supporting International Entrepreneurship", Journal of International Entrepreneurship. Download
New Article: Lauring, J. & Selmer, J. (in press), "Person-Environment Fit and Emotional Control: Assigned Expatriates vs. Self-Initiated Expatriates", International Business Review. Download

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