With apologies for Cross-Posting
Colleagues: Below please find the table of contents for Journal of World Business, Volume 53, Issue 3, featuring a special issue on
Contextualizing International Business Research: Enhancing Rigor and Relevance. The special issue was edited
by Mary B. Teagarden, Mary Ann Von Glinow and Kamel Mellahi, and contains a number of interesting articles regarding context in IB as it relates to institutions, adaptation, trust, networks, learning and other
Jonathan P. Doh, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Research
Faculty Director, Center for Global Leadership
Rammrath Chair in International Business
Professor of Management and Operations
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of World Business
Villanova School of Business
Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085
610-519-7798 (w) 484-434-7161 (c) [log in to unmask]