-- Satyendra Singh
Poverty, sustainability and the demographic dividend
-- Greg Clydesdale
A case study of spontaneous diversification: evidence from a small Thai family firm
-- Brandon Walker-Price, Shih Yung Chou
International orientation and business group performance: moderating role of product diversification (evidence from India)
-- Pradeep Kumar Hota, Sumit Mitra
Dividend policy of firms listed on Casablanca Stock Exchange: a panel data analysis
-- Imad Jabbouri, Abdelillah El Attar
The psychology of inflation on commitment bonds and citizenship intent: the case of Ghana
-- Edward O. Akoto
Book (Management: A Developing Country Perspective -- Betty Jane Punnett, Routledge), Reviewed by
-- Leanda Care
Dr. Satyendra Singh
Editor-in-Chief, IJBEM
Professor, Mkting and Intl Bus
University of Winnipeg, CANADA
CALL for PAPERS: 4th ABEM Conference, Manila, Aug 1-3, 2018