Dear Colleagues


Guest Editor Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris, Associate Professor of Innovation Management at the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, welcomes papers on “The managers of SMEs in the five Nordic countries: Buyer-seller relationships” at Special Issue No. 5 2018 of International Journal of Export Marketing (IJEXPORTM).


Special Issue No. 5 for IJEXPORTM during 2018: The managers of SMEs in the five Nordic countries: Buyer-seller relationships

·         [log in to unmask]" alt="Dafnis N. Coudounaris">Dafnis N. Coudounaris

Aims and objectives: This special issue aims to investigate the buyer-seller relationships of the managers of SMEs in the five Nordic countries i.e. Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Island. The managers of SMEs are the focus of this call. It is important also to investigate within the buyer-seller relationships such constructs as trust, commitment, conflict, risk and the firm’s performance. These are some of the constructs that can be included in the investigations within one country or a comparison within two countries.

This special issue is intended to present a) high quality and original empirical research articles, b) case studies of manufacturing or services SMEs, c) theoretical papers with conceptual models for future testing, and d) review papers on buyer-seller relationships and import-export relationships..

Key references:

Katsikeas, C.S., Skarmeas, D., & Bello D.C. (2009), “Developing Successful Trust-Based International Exchange
Relationships”, Journal of International Business Studies 40(1), pp. 132-155
Leonidou, L. C., Katsikeas, C. S., & Hadjimarcou, J. (2002), “Executive insights- Building
successful export business relationships: a behavioural perspective”, Journal of
International Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 96-115.
Leonidou, L. C., Samiee, S., Aykol, B., & Talias, M. A. (2014), “Antecedents and outcomes
of exporter-importer relationship quality: synthesis, meta-analysis, and directions for
further research”, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 21-46.
Saeed Samiee, Leonidas C Leonidou, & Bilge Aykol (2014),“Exploring the theoretical foundations
of the exporter-importer relationship research”. In book: Research Handbook on Export Marketing
· Chapter: 17, Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing, Editors: Craig C. Julian,
DOI: 10.4337/9781781954393.00022
Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A., & Baltas, G.(2016), “Relationship Value: Drivers and Outcomes in International Marketing Channels”, Journal of International Marketing. Mar2016, Vol. 24 Issue 1, pp. 22-40.
Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A., & Argouslidis, P. (2017), “Importer and exporter capabilities, governance mechanisms, and environmental factors determining customer-perceived relationship value ” , Industrial Marketing Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.11.004

Note: International Journal of Export Marketing (IJEXPORTM) is in Finnish List (JUFO1) and Norwegian List (Scientific level 1). Therefore, authors from Universities located in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Island will have this benefit of the above accreditations.

Subject Coverage

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

·1) Import-export relationships of SMEs
·2) Trust-commitment to firm’s performance
·3) Models of dyadic relationships
·4) Review on buyer-seller relationships
·5) Review on import-seller relationships
·6) Buyer-seller relationships in the five Nordic
·7) Comparative studies of buyer-seller
relationships of industries in Nordic countries
·8) Finnish/Swedish/Norwegian buyer-seller

Important dates
Manuscripts due by: 15TH- MAY- 2018
Notification to authors: 30TH- AUGUST- 2018
Final versions due by: 30TH- NOVEMBER- 2018


Best regards


Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (Fellow EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)

Professor of Innovation Management (Associate)

School of Economics and Business Administration

University of Tartu

Tartu, Estonia

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mob: +37258339575 or +35796572295

Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing      

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