Apologies for cross-posting!
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to present a paper or symposium at the 25th annual conference of the International Association for Applied Management (IAAM) that will be held at the Linq Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV (https://www.caesars.com/linq) on July 16-18, 2018.
1. You are invited to submit summaries of your papers (about 300-500 words) to the conference website, http://iaam1990.com, on or before March 31, 2018. Each submission should include the name, affiliation, phone, and email of each author.
2. If you wish to publish your paper, case study, research note, or note in our annual scholarly journal, Applied Management Journal (AMJ), please send it as an attached file in Word to [log in to unmask]. All papers must be prepared according to the APA style guide and will be double-blind reviewed.
Afzal Rahim
Life President, IAAM
University Distinguished Professor of Management
Western Kentucky University