*The International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) announces a call for papers to be presented at the 4th Annual ICGS Conference. This year’s theme is "Navigating Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets", but studies outside of emerging markets are also welcome. The conference will be held *October 12-14, 2018* in Shanghai, China. Fudan University will be hosting the event. The welcome reception will occur on Friday evening, *October 12* and a closing reception will be held *on Sunday* evening, *October 14*. Since inception, the *Harold S. Geneen Institute of Corporate Governance <https://www.bentley.edu/harold-s-geneen-institute-corporate-governance>* has served as the principal sponsor of the conference and will once again underwrite the 4th annual conference. Its financial support enables us to lower our registration fees and yet provide a top quality experience for participants.* *This year's keynote speaker is Professor Jeong-Bon Kim, Ph.D., Chaired Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Accountancy, City University of Hong Kong. Please mark your calendars for the annual general meeting on *Saturday, October 13* immediately after our welcome luncheon. Please click *here <https://www.icgsociety.org/conferences/>* for additional conference information.* *We are accepting submissions of extended abstracts and panel proposals starting *February 1 until April 1st*. Please click *here <http://www.fdsm.fudan.edu.cn/icgs2018/> *if you are interested in submitting an extended abstract or panel proposal. The conference hotel will be the five star Crowne Plaza, in walking distance from conference meeting rooms. * *The society continues to grow and offer benefits beyond the annual conference. Including free subscription to the **Annals of Corporate Governance* <http://www.nowpublishers.com/ACG>*, **a semi-annual newsletter, opportunities to assume a leadership role in the field, and newly forming interest groups (details forthcoming). * *Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like any additional information about* ICGS <https://www.icgsociety.org/>* and/or the conference. * *We hope to see you this fall in Shanghai!* *Sara Russell Riggs* *Executive Director* *International Corporate Governance Society* www.icgsociety.org <https://icgsociety.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5477b50b34086c4eab4bc40f5&id=8c9806013b&e=50e4b1f34d> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.