IACMR 2018 Conference, Wuhan


Call for Applications

Application Deadline: April 20th, 2018


We are pleased to announce that the IACMR will hold a Strategy/OT/IB/ENT Junior Faculty Consortium at the 2018 Conference in Wuhan. If you have started a macro-track faculty position in the last few years, this consortium is for you! The consortium provides an intimate forum for interacting with senior colleagues and peers, enabling you to prosper in your academic career. More specifically, attending this consortium will help you:


1) Develop research projects for publication. Two seasoned scholars in your area will provide one-on-one feedback on your research project. You will also receive feedback from your peers during roundtable discussions.


2) Explore strategies for impact and growth as a scholar and teacher.  A distinguished panel of established scholars will share their insights with you in an interactive panel discussion.  


3) Navigate the early years for a successful faculty career in diverse institutional settings. Leaders of our major professional organizations and a diverse set of institutions will share their knowledge with you in a dynamic panel discussion.


4) Build and develop potentially lifelong professional networks. The consortium provides opportunities for you to interact with faculty mentors in casual settings such as during breakfast and break time.


This year’s faculty mentors offer diverse scholarly and geographic perspectives. Many have been editors for leading journals and won research and teaching awards. They include:





Anthea Zhang



Bilian (Belaine) Ni Sullivan


Associate Professor

Cuili Qian

UT Dallas

Associate Professor

Haibin Yang

City U of HK


Haiyang Li



Henrich Greve



Jason Shaw

HK PolyU


Jun Xia

UT Dallas

Associate Professor

Kevin Zheng Zhou



Liangding Jia

Nanjing U


Pei Sun

Fudan U


Sam Garg


Assistant Professor

Shujun Zhang

Sun Yat-Sen U


Sun Hyun Park

Seoul National U

Associate Professor

Tieying Yu

Boston College

Associate Professor

Tony Tong

U of Colorado-Boulder


Wei Shen

Arizona State U


Wei-An Li

Nankai U


Weiwen Li

Sun Yat-Sen U

Associate Professor

Xuhong Li

Fudan U


Yanfeng Zheng


Associate Professor

Zhixue Zhang

Peking U



The consortium will be held on the last day of the Wuhan conference, June 17th. We will start with an optional dinner reception for attendants and panelists on June 16th. A tentative agenda of the consortium on June 17th is provided below.


7:15-8:00am   Pre-consortium breakfast (for any available panelists and students)   

8:00-8:15am   Introductions and Welcome

8:00-9:00am   Panel Presentations on Developing a Research Stream

9:00-10:00am Panel Presentations on Career Strategies

10:00 -10:15am Refreshment Break

10:15 -11:05am Editor’s Panel

11:05 -11:55am Roundtable Discussion (Panelists give feedback on participants’ papers)

11:55am-noon Closing Remarks


Application Process

To facilitate close engagements by all participants and panelists, space for this consortium is limited and participation is by application only. If you hold a faculty position as an Assistant Professor or a comparable rank and your research focuses on Strategy/Organization Theory/International Business/Entrepreneurship, we encourage you to apply. We also invite deans, department chairs, former workshop alumni and faculty mentors to encourage their junior colleagues to apply.


To apply, please email the following information to [log in to unmask]:


1)      Your name, email address, telephone number, and institutional affiliation


2)      Your academic curriculum vitae, including a brief statement of research interest and a list of academic publications if any.


3)      An extended summary of a working paper that you wish to receive feedback on. This summary should be no longer than 3 pages (single-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around). You may use additional space for references, tables, and figures.   


We encourage you to apply early to guarantee consideration. The deadline for applying is April 20th, 2018 and you will be notified by the middle of May regarding your application status. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the organizers. We look forward to seeing you at the IACMR conference in Wuhan!


Junior Faculty Consortium Organizers:

Cyndi Man Zhang, Singapore Management University

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Eric Zhao, Indiana University

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Weiguo Zhong, Peking University

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David Zhu, Arizona State University

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