critical perspectives on international business / Volume 14, Issue 1 (2018)


Table of contents

Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosures: The case of GCC countries

Samy Garas, Suzanna ElMassah (pp. 2 - 26)


Dimensions of distance: International flight connections, historical determinism, and economic relations in Africa

Babalwa Nonkenge, John Manuel Luiz (pp. 27 - 48)


Monitoring regional market-building in Africa: a critical perspective

Philippe De Lombaerde (pp. 49 - 65)


The curse of the #1 carmaker: Toyota’s crisis

Nobuyuki Chikudate, Can M. Alpaslan (pp. 66 - 82)


We say no to La Monroe closure! local defiance to global restructuring in a transnational company

Holm-Detlev Köhler, Sergio González Begega (pp. 83 - 100)




Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer

Professor of Organizational Design and Behavior in International Business

Berlin School of Economics and Law

Badensche Strasse 50/51

D-10825 Berlin


Tel. 0049-30-30877-1491 (university office)

Tel. 0049-491-9992963 (home office)


E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Skype:   cd10825


Director: Berlin Institute for International Business Studies (BIIBS)


Co-editor in chief: 'critical perspectives on international business' (cpoib)



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