Dear colleagues: Please note

Submission deadline: March 31, 2018.  

SGBED 15th Conference, June 8-10, 2018, Beijing 

Presented in collaboration with UIBE Business School 

University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing 

Call for Papers

Business Models in a Digital Age:

Balancing Competitive & Collaborative Forces

Nature and Scope of the Conference:


In view of the complex and conflicting perceptions of globalization, it is imperative to examine the role of institutions, innovation and new business models that strive to promote growth and development in a digital age. In this context, the 15th international conference of the SGBED invites conceptual and empirical research papers, case studies and applications, and panel proposals on, but not limited to the following topics:


·       “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR): Models of Cooperation & Development

·       New Approaches in International Accounting, Taxation & Transparency Issues

·       Accounting & Finance in a Digital Age

·       Financial Markets, FDI, Sovereign Wealth Funds, & Venture Capital

·       Emerging Market MNEs; M&As, Cross-Cultural Issues & Management

·       Global Human Resource Challenges in an Era of Automation & Digitization

·       Institutions, Technological Innovation and Business Models in China

·       Innovations in Digital Commerce, Digital Transactions & Diffusion Effects

·       Advances in Services Marketing (Healthcare, Education, Sports, Tourism, etc.)

·       Branding & Brand Management in China and other Emerging Markets

·       Entrepreneurship, SMEs & Micro Enterprises in Developing Economies

·       Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility of MNEs in Developing Countries

·       Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets

·       Leadership; Institutions; Public-Private Partnerships; NGOs & Social Enterprises in Developing Countries


Submission Deadlines: March 31, 2018

Submit Competitive Papers, Full Manuscripts, Case Studies, Abstracts, Research in Progress, and Proposal for Panel Sessions by March 31, 2018.

Submit your manuscript via email in MS-Word to: [log in to unmask]

Submission Guidelines:

Submission guidelines are available at

Special Issues of peer reviewed Journals:  (For details on journals, guest editors, etc please visit conference website)

For information on Registration, Payment, Refund Policy, Visa, and Accommodation, please visit conference website

For any conference related inquiries, please email to: [log in to unmask]

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