Call for Submissions
2018 IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation in International Management
The IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Award for the Best Dissertation in International Management is presented to the best dissertation submitted to the International Management Division. A plaque and cash prize of $1000 is awarded to the author of the winning dissertation.
Eligibility Criteria
Domain Statement
The International Management Division focuses on research in management and organization theory, research, and practice with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension. Major topics include: the international competitiveness of firms, industries, and nations; the cross-border management of operations, including multi-country, multi-unit strategy formulation and implementation; evolving organizational forms and management practices in cross-border business; the cross-border differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, political, and institutional forces on strategies, organizational forms, and management practices; and comparative management studies involving two or more countries.
Submission Guidelines
William Newburry, PhD
Chair, Dept. of Management & International Business
Ryder Eminent Scholar of Global Business
Florida International University
College of Business
11200 S.W. 8th St., MANGO 446
Miami, FL 33199
Office: (305)348-1103
Email: [log in to unmask]