

Please share this with the AIB Community. Thanks.

The AIB’s RM SIG is pleased to announce that the latest issue of the RM SIG Newsletter<> is available at the RM SIG website.  Thanks to the efforts of Catherine Welch<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and Bo Nielsen<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, this issue of the RM SIG Newsletter highlights:

 Research Methodology offerings at AIB Annual Meeting Minneapolis 2018

 Common problems in research design—and how to avoid them

 CARMA short courses in 2018: quantitative and qualitative

 Events to watch out for in 2018

 How to be an expert reviewer of qualitative manuscripts

 AIB Best Paper Award in Research Methods 2018

Please contact Catherine Welch<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to share RM news with the AIB Community.

Stewart R. Miller
RM SIG Founding Team Member & Research Methods Co-Coordinator

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