
Post-Doctoral Fellow Position Announcement


We are seeking a post-doctoral fellow for an NSF-funded collaborative research project to create and evaluate resources to elicit and assess process skills in STEM.


The primary responsibilities of the post-doctoral fellow include: contribute to rubric development and assessment; analyze classroom implementation data; contribute to development of instructor implementation guide; mentor chemistry education research (CER) graduate and undergraduate students; participate in collaborative project meetings of the team members; develop and run workshops at regional and national meetings; present research at conferences; and draft manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication.


The project leadership includes Suzanne Ruder (Virginia Commonwealth University), Renée Cole (University of Iowa), and Juliette Lantz (Drew University). The post-doctoral fellow will be located at VCU, but will work closely with all members of the project team. This will include participation in weekly virtual meetings and regularly scheduled face-to-face meetings.


Required: Ph.D. from an accredited institution in a STEM field, discipline-based education research, science education, or a related field. A demonstrated ability to work/collaborate with others.


Desired: Demonstrated experience with one or more of the following: conducting chemistry education/science education research using qualitative research methods; instrument development and assessment; analyzing qualitative data; strong oral and written communication skills.


Applicants should submit letter of interest, vita, and list of three references to [log in to unmask]. Curriculum vitae should include publications and presentations. Review of applications will begin on January 31, 2018 and continue until position is filled. The exact start date is negotiable but is planned for summer or fall 2018.


Julie Libarkin
Director - Geocognition Research Lab
Michigan State University
288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-355-8369

Affiliations: Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cognitive Science Program, Environmental Science and Policy Program, CREATEforSTEM