Hi all, On the following website (http://www.ixa.nl/en/ixanext-program/entrepreneurship-education/cases.html <http://www.ixa.nl/en/ixanext-program/entrepreneurship-education/cases.html>) you can access 10 teaching cases for free which include video introductions of the start-ups that were developed by my former colleagues at the University of Amsterdam Business School. Additional teaching notes can be acquired for free by signing up to the website. The Amsterdam Innovation Exchange is a vibrant start-up hub that is sponsored by the government and local universities. I believe the teaching cases could be very inspirational for entrepreneurship classes. My best, Wietske Dr. Wietske Van Osch · Assistant Professor Michigan State University Department of Media and Information 404 Wilson Road 436 Communication Arts and Sciences Web: https://www.drvanosch.com <https://www.drvanosch.com/> | E-Mail: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this e-mail and/or the attachment(s). "A constant element of enjoyment must be mingled with our studies, so that we think of learning as a game rather than a form of drudgery, for no activity can be continued for long if it does not to some extent afford pleasure to the participant." - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus