Good morning, We are embarking on a review of MSU's entrepreneurship curriculum, including the 40+ electives, to identify gaps in our current offerings and make plans accordingly. Ken Szymusiak (who teaches BUS 190) and Danielle DeVoss (who teaches AL 114) have already agreed to serve along with a few others. If anyone is interested in rolling up their sleeves and helping out, please let me know. We'll get started just as soon as we have a committee formed, and my hope is that our work will conclude by the end of summer at the latest. Thanks. Neil Kane Director of Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Michigan State University 632 Bogue Street, Room N120 East Lansing, MI 48824 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Cell: 312-404-3507 Visit the Student Marketplace<>! Entrepreneurship Portal:<> Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Going from "Why I can't" to "Why can't I?"