September 12-15, 2018
Atlanta, USA
Conference Chair: Dr. Daekwan Kim, Florida State University
Co-Chair: Dr. Ilke Kardes, Valdosta State University
Conference Theme
Disrupting Forces of Globalization – Implications for International Marketing
Conference Co-Sponsor
Journal of International Marketing
Conference Host
Georgia State University CIBER
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2018
The CIMaR 2018 Conference will be hosted by Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA. With its nickname of “the city in a forest”, Atlanta is known for its vibrant impact on global commerce, finance, research and technology, education, and art. As the eighth-largest city in the U.S. and 17th-largest city in the world, Atlanta offers environments that cultivate important industries such as media, IT, and entertainment. The CIMaR 2018 Conference will be organized and hosted by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at Georgia State University.
CIMaR – Consortium for International Marketing Research - has served as an informal and effective networking community for international marketing scholars for over a quarter century now. CIMaR is an informal, global network of scholars who share research and professional development interests in international marketing. CIMaR members agree to carry out collaborative research and other academic pursuits.
The CIMaR 2018 chairs are cordially inviting participants to submit their papers or proposals on a broad range of international marketing topics. In addition, submissions on the special topic of “Disrupting Forces of Globalization – Implications for International Marketing” are particularly welcome. The globalization of business activities is faced with unprecedented forces that re-pave the way to be successful globally. New political climates, emerging role of online mega retailers, decreased barriers through advanced information technology, distinctive tastes of new generations of consumers, and born-global firms in emerging markets, are a few of these multiple forces.
Such new forces are rapidly changing the business environments for both local and multinational businesses, demanding new ways of thinking about international marketing activities. To be concise, the capability of matching old thoughts in international marketing with such disrupting forces will be a major challenge for international marketing managers and scholars alike. Accordingly, CIMaR 2018 Conference will focus on such disrupting forces and their mechanism to influence firms’ international marketing strategies.
Therefore, we seek papers addressing a variety of topics, including the following:
· Global brand building
· Digital integration of international B2B relationships
· International market development in the digital age
· Internationalization of the firms in the middle of disrupting forces
· New generations of consumers, markets, and entrepreneurship in new international market boundaries
· Connectivity in the information age for international marketing
· Conceptual papers on new disrupting forces
Paper Submission
We invite submissions of completed manuscripts, research abstracts, and special session proposals. Young scholars and doctoral students are particularly encouraged to submit their papers.
Completed manuscripts will be considered for competitive paper sessions, and should not exceed about 30 pages in length (double-spaced).
Structured abstracts specifying the purpose of the paper, the design/methodological approach, key findings, research, managerial and social implications, as well as its originality will be considered for research workshops, and should be about 2 pages in length (double-spaced). (For a guide on writing abstracts, see for example:
Proposals for special sessions should focus on an emerging issue and identify prospective speakers, and should not exceed 4 pages in length (double-spaced).
All submissions, in digital format (MS Word file or PDF), should be submitted by February 15, 2018 at CIMaR 2018 Submission Page. All identifying information should be contained in a separate file with the names and affiliations of all authors. Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the Journal of International Marketing and be submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works and are not being reviewed elsewhere. "Best Competitive Paper" for the conference will be selected by the CIMaR 2018 Advisory Board.
Submission Link: CIMaR 2018 Submission Page
Publication Opportunities
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in digital format. Authors can choose to publish either their full manuscripts or extended abstracts in the proceedings and should indicate this preference when first submitting their work.
Journal of International Marketing Co-Sponsorship and JIM – CIMaR Collaboration
Prof. Constantine Katsikeas, Journal of International Marketing (JIM) Editor-in-Chief, and Prof. S. Tamer Cavusgil, CIMaR co-founder and JIM Founding Editor, are pleased to continue their ongoing collaboration that includes co-sponsorship of annual CIMaR conferences as well as an exciting opportunity for CIMaR members to have their full-length papers considered for publication in the Journal of International Marketing. Thus, CIMaR 2018 Annual Conference participants will benefit from a unique opportunity to have their submissions be considered for publication in this highly prestigious journal.
Professors Katsikeas and Cavusgil will work closely with CIMaR 2018 Annual Conference co-chairs, and a screening committee, to identify top papers presented at the conference with a view to their further refinement to make them suitable for publication consideration in the Journal of International Marketing. This screening committee will select full-length, meritorious papers, and mentor their authors prior to a formal review process by the JIM. CIMaR 2018 Annual Conference participants will also be able to discuss their papers with Prof. Katsikeas to elicit recommendations for revision.
Advances in International Marketing
In addition, in collaboration with Professor Shaoming Zou, Editor-in-Chief of the Advances in International Marketing, accepted manuscripts will be considered for publication in Advances in International Marketing through a double-blind review process.
S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award
As in the past, the overall best conference paper will be honored with the awarding of S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award, in honor of CIMaR co-founder, Professor S. Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University. The winner will be announced at the gala dinner and the author(s) of the best paper will receive a U.S. $1,000 monetary award.
Important dates
· Deadline for paper submission: February 15, 2018
· Acceptance notification: March 15, 2018
· Conference dates: September 12-15, 2018
All conference activities will be held at Georgia State University’s Buckhead Center, a state-of-the-art conference facility located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Address: Tower
Place 200, 3348 Peachtree Road N.E., Atlanta, GA 30326
More information on directions and parking at:
Participants are expected to make their own lodging arrangements. Our recommended hotel is SpringHill Suites Atlanta Buckhead. A special group rate will be applied by the SpringHill Suites Atlanta Buckhead.
For more information, please contact:
Conference co-chairs:
Conference Hosts:
Farrah Bernardino, Managing Director, CIBER, Georgia State University, [log in to unmask], +1 (404)413-7431 (office)
Jamaica Villegas, Administrative Assistant, Institute of International Business, Georgia State University, [log in to unmask], +1 (404)413-7287 (office)