

Dear all:

The application deadline for the AIB 2018 Junior Faculty Consortium is 15th January 2018. Don't miss out on what promises to be a fun and thought-provoking day!

With warmest wishes for the new year,


Junior Faculty Consortium
June 25th, 2018

Sponsored by the Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University

Chair: Elizabeth L. Rose, University of Leeds (UK) and Aalto University (Finland)

Application Deadline: January 15th, 2018 – see

The 2018 Academy of International Business (AIB) Junior Faculty Consortium will be held on June 25th 2018, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. All junior faculty members who are active in research and teaching in the broad field of international business are invited to participate. Preference will be given to those who have been involved in teaching and/or research for no more than three years.

The consortium will provide plenty of opportunity for interaction – among junior faculty participants and between the junior and senior faculty. There will also be time for junior faculty to discuss their research programs, or specific research projects, in small groups comprised of both junior and senior colleagues.

The panel of senior academics for the 2018 Junior Faculty Consortium consists of distinguished international business scholars with extensive experience and publication records, and broad perspectives on academic careers. The panel includes:

·         Ulf Andersson, Mälardalen University (Sweden) and BI Norwegian Business School (Norway)
·         Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University (Japan)
·         Nakiye Boyacigiller, Sabanci University (Turkey)
·         Douglas Dow, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne (Australia)
·         Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, FGV-EAESP (Brazil)
·         Nandini Lahiri, American University (USA)
·         Stefanie Lenway, University of St. Thomas (USA)
·         Klaus Meyer, Ivey Business School, Western University (Canada)
·         Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS (China)
·         Grazia Santangelo, University of Catania (Italy)
·         Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University (Canada)

Application Requirements:

Space is limited, so as to make sure that there is plenty of scope for interaction. To apply, please e-mail the following two documents to Beth Rose ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>), by January 15th 2018:

1.    A one-page CV, and
2.    A one-page description of your research program, highlighting a current paper or ongoing project on which you would like input, making sure to emphasize the international business focus of the work.

Please send these as two separate Microsoft Word documents, with your surname in the file title (e.g., NameBio.doc and NameResearch.doc). Kindly use "AIB 2018 JFC Application" as the subject line for your message.

Tentative Program (subject to change)
June 25th, 2018


Session 1: Working toward Tenure or Confirmation: Research and Publishing

Coffee Break and Networking

Session 2: Small Group Discussion at Roundtables with Panel Members

Lunch and Networking

Session 3: Working toward Tenure or Confirmation: Teaching, Service, and Networking

Coffee Break and Networking

"Meet with Editors" (Joint with Doctoral Consortium)

Application for Travel Stipends

Due to the generous support of the Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University, a few travel grants are available for participants in need of financial support to attend the consortium.

If you would like to apply for one of these travel stipends, please include a separate letter with your consortium application, stating your request to be considered for this financial support. The letter should include the following information:

1.    An estimate of your travel costs, specifying the city and country from which you will be traveling;
2.    An indication of whether any travel funds are likely to be available from your university;
3.    Whether you are currently an AIB member; and
4.    Whether you have previously received a travel stipend from AIB.

NOTE: Junior Faculty Consortium attendees may also be eligible for Area Scholar Travel Stipends, which are offered by the AIB Foundation. There is a separate application process for these; information regarding the Area Scholar Travel Stipends can be found at the AIB 2018 Travel Stipends page.

See you in Minneapolis!

Beth Rose
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