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The 14th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), hosted by Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara, Mexico, (June 7-9, 2018) will focus on values and legacy in entrepreneurial families.
Family traditions and culture influence the family’s behavior and the company’s philosophy. The way an employee behaves within the family firm is a reflection on the values the family has shared through day-to-day contact. We encourage interested participants of the conference to explore the influence of family traditions and culture on entrepreneurial family´s behavior, performance, and strategies, along with the influence on the family’s behavior, dynamics, ventures, and strategic choices. Projects that explore other family business topics are also welcome.
Special issues associated with the conference include: ET&P, JFBM, Academia Revista Latinoamericana, and Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.
Submissions of extended abstracts are due February 2, 2017.
Submission link for abstracts: https://openconf.org/ferc/openconf.php
Conference details: https://ferc.up.edu.mx/