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APMAA 2018 Tokyo Conference Call for Papers

The 2018 Conference of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA 2018) is held at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan from October 29 (Monday) to November 1 (Thursday), 2018.  We welcome academics and practitioners from around the world to join us in the APMAA 2018.


If you are thinking of paper submissions and/or participation to APMAA 2018, please visit  http://s-ueno.sakura.ne.jp/APMAA_2018_Tokyo/, the APMAA 2018 Homepage. You can get  parallel session information from Masaaki Aoki ([log in to unmask]), Co-chair of APMAA 2018, and doctoral colloquium information from Shoichiro Hosomi ([log in to unmask]),  APMAA 2018 Doctoral Colloquium chair.


APMAA 2018 invites you to organize Special Sessions and/or Workshops. Please send your one-page proposal (that shows a rough design of the special (e.g., panel) session or the workshop (held in “one and half hours” time slot)  to Susumu Ueno ([log in to unmask]) by  February 28, 2018.


Important Dates for Authors:

Paper Submission Deadline: July 10, 2018

Paper Acceptance Notification: September 1, 2018

Conference Registration and Fee Payment Deadline: September 15, 2018


If you have any questions and/or suggestions about APMAA 2018, please contact Masao Tsuji ([log in to unmask]), Chair of the APMAA 2018 Conference.

Susumu Ueno,  Chair of the APMAA Board of Directors
Tsuji, Chair of the APMAA 2018 Conference

APMAA 2018 Homepage




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