Friend of Urbandale Farm and the Lansing Urban Farm Project,
            We are now in the process of recruiting for our 2018 cohort of farm apprentices. As in past years, this is a 6-month, hands-on program of training in urban agriculture. Apprentices will learn how to raise and market a wide variety of vegetables, flowers and herbs. 
            This year we are looking for 3-4 individuals who already have a little farming experience, but who want to further develop their skills and farm in an urban setting.  A small stipend will be available to each of the apprentices selected.
            As our announcement/ flyer explains, we will be holding three informational meetings to provide program details, answer questions, and hand out application forms.
            Thank you for all the support you have given us over the years. This is why Urbandale Farm remains a model for urban agriculture throughout the Lansing-area.
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1611 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, MI  48912

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