Journal of World Business Review Issue
Call for Article Proposals
Due April 1, 2018
The editorial team of the Journal of World Business invites authors to submit proposals for contributions to the inaugural review issue. The review issue will include articles that review important
research streams within the international business (IB) domain. Review articles summarize recent advances in a given subfield, examine linkages with other related areas within and outside of the IB domain, and identify important directions for future research.
We welcome a range of methodological approaches for conducting review studies, including qualitative reviews, content analysis based surveys, meta-analyses, and computer aided text analysis tools such as topic modeling and bibliometric studies. The author
team of a review proposal would typically include at least one contributing scholar who has done substantive work on the chosen topic area.
Proposals should not be more than 2000 words in length, excluding references and tables. Please do not submit complete papers. A good proposal should clearly outline the relevance of the chosen
topic, the scope of the work involved, its potential contributions, and some clear directions for future work. Proposals might also
address debates, inconsistences, competing theoretical interpretations and conflicting empirical findings as part of the scope of the proposed contribution.
We strongly urge authors to read papers from the 50th anniversary special issue of JWB (2016), review articles published by JWB since the new editorial leadership in 2015, and the forthcoming JWB
perspective piece (Gaur & Kumar, 2017) for illustrations of potential topics and approaches for conducting review studies. The JWB editorial team will review all proposals and select a subset for further development. Once a proposal is selected, it will be
assigned to one of the JWB senior editors for handling. All papers resulting from the proposals will then be subject to the standard double blind review process, including editorial input from the assigned editor who will work with the authors to further develop
the paper. Of course, there are no guarantees of eventual acceptance of the submissions; however, approval for a proposal to be subsequently submitted as a fully paper submission connotes support for the overall topic and approach.
Please submit proposals, accompanied by short bios of all authors, to Ms. Kimberly Cahill ([log in to unmask]),
with cc to Ajai Gaur ([log in to unmask]). Proposals are due by April 1, 2018. Decisions will be made
by June 15, 2018 and final papers will be due by Dec 1, 2018. Authors of the selected proposals will be informed about the submission process for the full papers.
Gaur A. S., Kumar, M. (2017). A systematic approach to conducting review studies: An assessment of content analysis in 25 years of IB research. Journal
of World Business, doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2017.11.003
Jonathan P. Doh, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Research
Faculty Director, Center for Global Leadership
Rammrath Chair in International Business
Professor of Management and Operations
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of World Business
Villanova School of Business
Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085
610-519-7798 (w) 484-434-7161 (c) [log in to unmask]
https:[log in to unmask]&xsl=bio_long
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