Dear AIB-Colleagues, For those seeking to boost research productivity, publish, and expand co-author network: X-Culture Research Hackathon. You may have heard about the X-Culture Project. About 5,000 people working in 850 global virtual teams from 40+ countries participate in the project every semester. The teams are closely observed and the project generates tons of data. We track over 2,000 variables; longitudinal, multi-level, multi-source, multi-method data. The data are suitable for studying just about any aspect of teamwork, international collaboration, org. behavior, and international business. Think about it as a giant virtual research lab. We believe in open collaboration, so we share our data. More on our data and principles of collaboration here: *** To boost our research productivity and collaboration, X-Culture organizes regular research HACKATHONS, a.k.a. Paper Development Conference. Four-day, non-stop paper development marathon. You return home with a clear paper idea, co-authors, initial results, feedback, and a draft of paper. More on the X-Culture Research Hackathon concept here: *** *NEXT HACKATHON: * June 21-24, in Lacrosse, WI (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse campus) That’s right before the Academy of International Business meeting in Minneapolis (June 25-28, 2018). We provide transportation from and back to Minneapolis. *COST:* $425, covers everything, including lodging, food, transportation to and from Minneapolis. *APPLICATION DEADLINE: * January 1, 2018. *FUNDING FROM UNIVERSITY*: The event is organized as a conference. You will have to submit a paper abstract and present your research. So you can apply for funding from your university as you would for any other conference. *>> MORE INFO & APPLY: <> * *QUESTIONS:* Dr. Justin Kramer, [log in to unmask] Dr. Vas Taras Associate Professor of International Busienss Bryan School of Business and Economics University of North Carolina at Greensboro 349 Bryan POB 26165, Greensboro, NC 27402-6165 336-256-8611 [log in to unmask] <> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.