Dear Colleagues:
In June 2017, emlyon Business School and the University of South Carolina (Darla Moore School of Business) signed an agreement to create a Dual Degree Doctoral Program in Business Administration. This program represents a very unique and exceptional opportunity to participate in
a doctoral program that leverages exceptional faculty from two prominent universities, and also allows a student to receive a doctoral degree from both institutions.
The Moore School of Business has consistently been recognized as the leading institution in international business research productivity as well as international business academic programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Thus, this collaborative PhD program is particularly designed for PhD students interested in developing research expertise related to examining issues in International Business.
Students spend the first year of their PhD studying in emlyon Business school’s PhD program (,
the second year attending seminars in University of South Carolina’s PhD program in International Business (
Students will then be co-supervised by a professor of emlyon’s Strategy & Organization department ((
and a professor of Darla Moore School of Business International Business Department (
for their PhD thesis (next two-three years). Therefore, student will have the unique opportunity to complete a dissertation supervised by faculty from each partner institution. Students receive Ph.D. degrees from each business school upon completion of the
degree requirements for each school.
The first intake will be in September 2018. Candidates should apply through emlyon Business School PhD website indicating they apply for this Dual PhD Degree. Student admitted and enrolled in this dual degree PhD program as an emlyon PhD
student, would get the same financial support as any student in emlyon regular PhD program and will spend her/his stage 2 (i.e., thesis) of the PhD mainly at emlyon.
The deadlines for applications are the same as for the regular emlyon PhD degree (April 30th,
More information:
Professors Jean-Luc ARREGLE ([log in to unmask]) or Marc van ESSEN
([log in to unmask]) , Heads of the Dual PhD program.
Marc van Essen
Associate professor in international business
Academic director of the undergraduate international business program
Sonoco International Business Department
Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
1014 Greene Street
Columbia SC 29208 USA
(+01) 8037775669