Call for Papers: Journal of Small Business Management Special Issue on High Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship


The phenomena of women’s entrepreneurship, both the women business owners and their businesses, is viewed as a potential source of economic and social development.   The 2012 GEM Women’s Report noted 224 million women had new or established businesses in 67 economies while today there are 274 million in 74 economies. Despite their participation and contributions, there is a persistent storyline that women entrepreneurs do not perform as well as their male counterparts, in terms of sales, employment growth, or profitability. Critical and missing in the research are studies that focus on high growth women entrepreneurs.  Growth oriented businesses are essential for all economies to succeed because they are more likely to create jobs and support communities, achieve higher productivity, innovation and exporting. This special issue of the Journal of Small Business Management seeks papers that broadly fit with the overarching theme of growth-oriented women entrepreneurs. To be considered for publication, manuscripts should be submitted to the JSBM electronic submission system at: Make sure to indicate that you manuscript is intended for the “High Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship” special issue. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: February 5, 2018


Dr. Amanda Bullough

Assistant Professor, Management | Co-Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics

University of Delaware
311 Lerner Hall | Newark, DE 19716

[log in to unmask] | T 302-831-1778 | F 302-831-4196

Webpage | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

Recent Activities: Women’s Leadership Forum | Women in Business student club |

Women’s Leadership in Developing Countries

Select Research: Journal of Management | Academy of Management Perspectives |

Academy of Management Perspectives | Academy of Management Discoveries |

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