this year, please encourage them to attend this workshop
on Monday morning
. I will be leading it with Jennifer Nocerino from GSA and Pranoti Asher from AGU.
Please pass this on to them.
Networking workshop for undergraduate students at AGU
Monday, Dec. 11, 8:30 - 10:00 am
Room 338-339 in the Convention Center
in New Orleans
Learn strategies and tips on developing your
network for
your career. This workshop will include an exercise on identifying the mentors you already have, and finding those you still need. Practice your elevator speech with fellow undergraduate students, and hear about creative ways to advance your career at this conference.
Join us and connect with
other undergraduate students, many of whom will become part of your professional network.
We will be working on:
support network
2. Perfecting your elevator speech
Tips on doing an
informational interview
3. Checklist: how to get the most out of this conference
oin us
for this special workshop! There is no registration fee.