Dear Colleagues
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (2045-0621) invites applications from experienced case researchers to join our growing team of Associate Editors. The journal publishes
well-researched, instructive, and multi-media online cases, about the most interesting organizations in complex Emerging Market contexts, to faculty developing effective managers globally
The Associate Editor role involves working closely with the Editor-in-Chief, Michael Goldman, and the rest of the Associate Editor team, to efficiently manage the growing number of submissions from scholars across
the globe. The Associate Editors control the double-blind peer-review process for allocated submissions and engage the expertise of our panel of reviewers. The Associate Editors play a key role in the continued strategic growth and development of the collection
and will be its key ambassadors in their parts of the world.
We invite applications for these roles, which should include:
· Evidence of editorial experience (i.e. as an Editor/Associate Editor/Guest editor);
· Strong background in case writing, teaching, and reviewing;
Evidence of an interest in management development in Emerging Market contexts;
· A vision for how you see the Emerging Markets Case Study Collection developing.
Interested scholars should send their application letter and curriculum vitae to Gareth Bell at [log in to unmask].
Any questions can be directed to Gareth at the above address.
The deadline for applications is 31 December 2017.
Emerging Markets Case Studies is a digital collection of over 600 real-life scenarios for teaching faculty focusing on developing economies. The double-blind, peer-reviewed cases and comprehensive teaching notes
cover all aspects of the business and management curriculum, from accounting, strategy and entrepreneurship, to marketing, HRM and international business.
For more information about the collection, please visit:
Gareth Bell
| Emerald Publishing
T: +44 (0) 1274 777700 F: +44 (0) 1274 785244
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