

Dear colleagues:

I am happy to announce the publication of Issue 16.4/5 of Asian Business & Management.  The table of contents is attached below.

This issue also completes my time at the helm of ABM. After 2 terms as Editor-in-Chief, it is time to pass on the baton, and I wish my sucessor, Fabian J. Froese, and his team much success.

AIB members have free online access to all articles in Asian Business & Management (  Enjoy!

All the best,


Asian Business & Management
3-Year Impact Factor (SSCI, 2016): 1.133
ABS Level: 2

Volume 16, Issue 4-5, December 2017

Special Section: Marketing and Innovation in Asia

Do you want to publish your article in this journal?

Please visit the homepage of Asian Business & Management for full details on:

  • aims and scope
  • editorial policy
  • article submission

Impact Factor: 1.133 (2016)
Journal Citation ReportsĀ®, Thomson Reuters

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