The Fall 2017 issue of Rutgers Business Review is now available at<>. In this issue: Targeting Middle-class in Emerging Markets: The Case of Brazil<> By Ilke Kardes and Gabriel Vouga Chueke What Types of Regulatory and Pricing Strategies Work When Customers are Likely to Become Competitors?<> By Victor Glass and Timothy Tardiff How the Best Firms Balance Competing Forms of R&D-based Innovation<> By Tim Swift Leading Organizations through Supply Chain Disruptions: An Exploratory Study of Necessary Traits<> By Iana Shaheen, Arash Azadegan, Lorenzo Lucianetti, and Lian Qi The Good, Bad, and Ugly Side of Entrepreneurial Marketing: Is Your Social Media Campaign Unveiled, Incognito, or Exposed?<> By Can Uslay Why Luxury Brand Managers Should Pay Attention to Social Class: Not All Counterfeit Users Are Equal<> By Nelson Borges Amaral and Barbara Loken How Goldman Sachs Turned the Great Recession into Competitive Advantage Using Strategic Management<> By Mine Doyran Managing Research Out of the Dark? Exploring Implications and Applications of an Objective Model for the Evaluation of Research Practice and Quality<> By Pär Mårtensson, Uno Fors, Udo Zander, and Gunnar H. Nilsson How and Why Millennials are Shaking Up Organizational Cultures<> By Rob Bogosian and Charlene Rousseau Managing and Accounting for Multiple Stakeholders<> By Ronald K. Mitchell How Do Non-Technological Shocks Affect Interfirm Collaboration?<> By Leonardo Corbo Best regards, Sengun (Shen) Yeniyurt, Ph.D. Chancellor’s Scholar Co-Editor in Chief, Rutgers Business Review (<>) Founding Co-Director, Center for Market Advantage (<>) Associate Professor, Marketing Department Affiliated Faculty, Supply Chain Management Department Rutgers Business School, Newark and New Brunswick, NJ