

Dear Colleagues


I would like to inform you that International Journal of Export Marketing (IJEXPORTM) Vol. 1 No.4 will be published soon in December 2017. The contents of this issue are shown above.


IJEXPORTM has a rigorous review process and it has already gained international recognition in different international lists i.e. Finnish list (JUFO 1 Level), Norwegian List ( Scientific 1 Level) and USA List ( Cabell’s directory). Other lists are on the way to evaluate IJEXPORTM.


We invite you send your submissions to IJEXPORTM because as from January 2018 it will publish 4 issues per year. Our effort is to place IJEXPORTM in the SCOPUS List and the Emerging List of Web of Science the soonest possible.


The editorial board of IJEXPORTM consisting of 49 top scholars together with another 30 ad-hoc reviewers handle the review process. Very soon IJEXPORTM will announce a Special Issue inviting papers in the area of export performance. Therefore, I welcome new submissions in exporting and in the broad area of International Business.


Many thanks for your contributions.


Best regards



Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (F-EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)

Associate Professor of Innovation Management

School of Economics and Business Administration

University of Tartu

Tartu, Estonia

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mob: +37258339575, +35796572295

Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing      

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