Dear Colleagues, On March 8th, 2018 the Academy of International Business Latin America Chapter will host a joint JIBS-JIBP Paper Development Workshop for junior scholars seeking developmental feedback on their current research projects in international business (IB). The PDW is the most extensive of the various outreach activities conducted by the editorial teams of the two AIB journals, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and the newly launched Journal of International Business Policy<> (JIBP). Organized by Stav Fainshmidt (Florida International University) and Ram Mudambi (Temple University), the PDW involves JIBS and JIBP editors and several board members, and is sponsored by the Sheth Foundation and AIB. The purpose of the PDW is to improve the quality of IB research and bring new scholars into the IB field. We invite original papers from junior scholars who have ambitions of publishing in the AIB journals. In particular, we hope to attract papers from scholars (1) who are located in universities in emerging economies or in universities that offer limited support for international business research, or (2) who are trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g. human geography, political science, ethnography, or economic history) but interested in conducting international business research. JIBP is particularly interested in those who wish to develop the policy insights of their work. The PDW will be structured to provide feedback to authors with theory and policy papers, and to researchers who are designing empirical studies, on international business topics. The program will start with a short introductory note by the JIBS and JIBP representatives. The participants will then divide into small groups. Authors will be paired with editors who will provide feedback on the authors' manuscripts. Submission Requirements Participants will be accepted based on the quality of their submitted manuscripts. Papers should be submitted via email to Stav Fainshmidt ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) with the message header "AIB-LAT 2018 JIBS-JIBP PDW". Please note that each applicant should make one submission only. The deadline for submissions is December 1st, 2017. Research papers must be less than 10,000 words in length, and follow the JIBS Style Guide ( Participants will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions no later than the first week of January 2018 and will need to confirm their participation in the PDW by January 31, 2018. Preference will be given to participants who have not attended any JIBS or JIBP PDWs in the past. Manuscript authors who have applied to JIBS or JIBP PDWs in the past but were not accepted to the PDW should make sure that they submit a different paper to this year's PDW. Please note that you need to register for the AIB-LAT conference in order to participate in the JIBS PDW. Specific questions about the PDW or application process can be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Stav Fainshmidt, Ph.D., CPA (Isr.) Assistant Professor of International Business and Strategy Resident Coordinator, Journal of International Business Studies Florida International University College of Business 11200 S.W. 8th St., MANGO 444 Miami, FL 33199 Office: 305.348.8243 Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><> #5 Ranked Undergraduate International Business Program (2017, US News & World Report) #2 Ranked Masters and Undergraduate Programs in Human Resources (2017, [FIU College of Business]<> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.