Dear Professors:
Iīve recently been hired by the Universidad de Murcia ( to teach within the International MBA Program where all classes are taught in English. I am a graduate of a US-based law school and practiced for a number of years with a Chicago-based international law firm. Iīve recently returned to Spain to care for my elderly parents.
Among one of my first task is to develop and teach a class on Spainīs Income Tax and Financial Laws, a class that has never been taught in English in this institution. AIBīs Managing Director, Dr. Kiyak, was kind enough to suggest that I email you all to ask whether you know of an instructorīs manual and student textbook or, alternatively, a textbook which I could use in this task. Iīm hoping you can direct me to a proper publisher as my internet search for such has proven fruitless at this time.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
(34) 677.06.00.45
"Be the change you wish to see." Mahatma Gandhi
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