Call for Submissions
Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 11
The editors of Emerald’s Advances in Global Leadership (AGL), Joyce Osland, Ming (Lily) Li and Mark Mendenhall, cordially invite your submissions for Volume 11.
AGL is
unique for many reasons. It is both a peer-reviewed e-journal and a book series, both with separate ISBN numbers. We have an impressive editorial board and utilize a traditional blind-refereed review process. In addition
to high quality empirical research, AGL is home to well-crafted essays, innovative conceptual work, and a “Practitioner’s Corner” where those working to develop global leaders in global organizations or universities can share
their insights based on “front-line” experience. Unlike most journals, AGL allows scholars more room to develop their ideas with a higher page limit. Past contributors range from world-renowned scholars to promising newcomers in the field to well-respected
consultants and HR professionals. When our schedules permit, the editors host a pre-publication symposium for scholars and doctoral students that provides an opportunity for lively intellectual discourse and discussion of future research directions and collaborations.
We have created a new network for global leader scholars
on LinkedIn at The name of the LinkedIn group is: “Scholars Who Study Global Leadership.” We created this group because part of AGL’s mission is to grow the field of global leadership. To that end, every volume includes
an analysis of the state of the field and its future research needs. Some volumes address specific research gaps in addition to our perennial interest in foundational research.
Volume 11’s
focus is primarily on global leadership development in university settings. We are interested in research and well-conceived essays or practitioner articles that address the following areas:
Creative pedagogies for global leadership skill development
Institutional assessment of learning outcomes associated with global leadership skill and competency development
"Best Practices" in curriculum program design that develops global leadership skills and competencies in students
Faculty development programs that enhance global leadership knowledge, skills and competencies in faculty and doctoral students
Developing global leadership skills in students through formal relationships with foreign universities
"Best Practices" in study abroad experiences specifically designed to develop the intercultural skills and competencies associated with global leadership
Dependent on the manuscripts received, we will submit an
AOM PDW or symposium proposal as in the past, this time on the theme of global leadership development in universities. Please note that we are not seeking simple descriptions of programs or curricula; rather, we want you to explore the theoretical bases
of the pedagogies and the nature of the processes and dynamics that you have found powerful in developing global leadership competencies in students and faculty. For recent examples of
AGL articles/chapters on global leadership development (GLD) in university settings, see Lane, Bird & Athaniassiou (2017); Maznevski (2017); and Osland, Dunn-Jensen, Nam & Wells (2017). For a review of existing global leadership development models and
a new comprehensive process model of GLD, see Mendenhall, Weber, Arnadottir & Oddou (2017). For the most recent compendium of global leadership research, see Mendenhall, Osland, Bird, Oddou, Maznevski, Stevens, & Stahl (2017).
Development of a comprehensive list of “global leadership”-oriented universities. In Volume 11 we will publish a comprehensive list of universities
that have specialized programs, centers, and curricula related to global leadership. The list will not be limited to B-Schools. We are interested in finding, regardless of discipline, programs that are focused on developing global leadership skills and competencies
in students and faculty. If you have names of institutions or centers to add to this list, please contact Joyce Osland at:
[log in to unmask].
Foundational research is always welcome at AGL. For Volume 11, we are interested in articles that continue advancing the field of global leadership
primarily by closing the gaps in foundational research: construct definition clarification, theory development, identification of antecedents, outcome and effective performance measures, analyses and/or measures of sub-dimensions of the phenomenon, assessment
instruments for selection and development purposes, and developmental methods and processes. In addition to foundational research, we are always interested in work that finds synergies between the field of traditional leadership and global leadership, given
the limited theoretical and empirical cross-fertilization between these two fields.
Global leadership defined: To avoid confusion with the fields of comparative leadership, country-specific leadership and global management,
AGL submissions should adhere to a narrower definition of global leadership along these lines:
The process and actions through which an individual influences a range of internal and external constituents from multiple national cultures and jurisdictions in a context characterized by significant levels
of task and relationship complexity (Reiche, Bird, Mendenhall & Osland, 2017, p. 556).
The process of influencing the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of a global community to work together synergistically toward a common vision and common goals (Adler, 2001;
Festing, 2001)
The AGL Outstanding Author Contribution Award.
Each year one selection from our volume is honored with this award, which is presented at AOM at Emerald’s Literati Awards for Excellence session. Recent winners include:
2017 -- Huesing, T. & Ludema, J. (2017). The nature of global leaders’ work.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 10, 3-39. (Eds., J. Osland, M. Mendenhall, & M. Li)
2016 -- Levy, O., Peiperl, M. & Jonsen, K. (2016). Cosmpolitanism in a globalized world: An interdisciplinary perspective.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 9, 281-324. (Eds., J. Osland, M. Li, M. Mendenhall)
2014 -- Bird, A., Stevens, M., Mendenhall, M. & Oddou, G. (2014). Measuring global leadership competency: Development and validation of the Global Competencies
Inventory (GCI). Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 8, 115-154. (Eds., J. Osland, M. Li & Y. Wang)
2012 -- Osland, J., Bird, A., & Oddou, G. (2012). The context of expert global leadership.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 7, 107-124. (Eds., W. Mobley, Y. Wang & M. Li)
The Submission Process
If you are interested in contributing to Advances in Global Leadership
Volume 11, please let us know of your interest at
[log in to unmask] as soon as possible. Subsequently, email us your manuscript, meeting these guidelines: a maximum of 45 double-spaced pages (inclusive of figures and references) in MS Word, using APA style.
Manuscript submission deadline: December 15, 2017(If you submit before that date, we will begin your review process earlier.)
Reviews Returned: February 1, 2018
Final revisions due: March 31, 2018
Publication Date: November 2018
We invite you to join us in advancing the field of global leadership. We promise that your work will be in good hands.
Joyce Osland, Senior Editor, Lucas Endowed Professor of Global Leadership and Executive Director of the Global Leadership Advancement Center, San Jose State University, California, USA
Ming Li, Co-editor,
University of Liverpool, Management School, England
Mark Mendenhall, Co-editor,
J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellent in Business Leadership, The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, USA
October 1, 2018
Lane, H., Bird, A., & Athaniassiou, N. (2017). Translating theory into practice: Developing global leaders through undergraduate experiential education.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 10, 193-220.
Maznevski, M. (2017). Self-acceptance and Community Transcendence: Reflections on global leadership from an irrepressible scholar-teacher.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 10, 177-192.
Osland, Dunn-Jensen, Nam & Wells (2017). The Global Leadership Advancement Center: Filling the pipeline with global leaders.
Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 10, 221-249.
Mendenhall, Weber, Arnadottir & Oddou (2017). Developing global leadership competencies: A process model. Advances in Global Leadership, vol. 10, 117-146.
Reiche, B. S., Bird, A., Mendenhall, M. E., & Osland, J. S. (2017) Contextualizing leadership: A typology of global leadership roles.
Journal of International Business Studies, 48: 552-572.
Mendenhall, M., Osland, J., Bird, A., Oddou, G., Maznevski, M., Stevens, M.J, & Stahl, G.K. (2017)
Global Leadership: Research, Practice, and Development. 3rd Edition. London: Routledge.
Best regards,
Ming Li (Lily), Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management
Director of Studies MSc International Business
University of Liverpool Management School
Chatham Street, Liverpool L69 7ZH, UK