Dear Colleagues, Sorry for cross-posting, please share this information with doctoral students. 8th Annual AIB-LAT Conference – Buenos Aires, Argentina On March 8, 2018, the Academy of International Business, Latin America Chapter will host a Doctoral Student Consortium for advance doctoral students interested in Latin American affairs who wish to develop and expand their research skills, enhance their particular research agenda, and network with like-minded students and professors in their field of study. The Consortium will facilitate constructive and supportive discussion between and among doctoral students and scholars on a wide array of topics including but not limited to: conducting research in the international business field, writing and completing successful dissertations, and transitioning into a professional or academic career. The Consortium will also provide feedback and commentary to whose dissertations are still in progress. The Consortium committee is seeking candidates who are Ph.D. students in international business (or a closely related field) who have completed their coursework requirements and have entered into their dissertation construction stage. While candidates in the dissertation phase of their Ph.D. programs are preferred, all candidates will be considered. In order to stimulate the exchange of ideas and provide the greatest level of commentary and guidance to students, the committee will restrict the number of participants. Candidates will be selected based on the following criteria: research feasibility and potential contribution to the discipline, geographic diversity, and strength of the proposal. The doctoral consortium is organized by José Ernesto Amorós (EGADE Business School, Tecnológico de Monterrey). We´ll design the 2018 Doctoral Student Consortium faculty panel precisely analyzing the received proposals. The panel will be constituted by a diverse group of distinguished and rising international business scholars who together boast a voluminous record of publications. The panel members generally have received numerous research awards, supervised doctoral students, and worked as editors or are members of editorial boards for top academic journals. Submission Requirements Interested students should submit an application containing: * One-page nomination letter from their thesis advisor with information on their dissertation progress, * One-page CV, and, * a maximum 10-pages description of their dissertation trying to use roughly the proportions shown below as a guideline: 1. The central research question addressed (to include a brief statement of the topic – the topic must clearly relate to international business – and of the issue or problem that motivates the research)[10%]; 2. Theory and literature review [20%]; 3. Research design, data and methodology (to include hypotheses in the case of quantitative methods, and the methods of measurement and the generative questions that will guide grounded theory building in the case of those using qualitative methods) [30%]; 4. Expected results and summary of the evidence of the study thus far (include if applicable an outline of any preliminary findings) [20%]; 5. Expected contribution and its significance to scholarship in the IB field [10%]; and 6. Conclusions and remaining concerns or problems to be overcome [10%]. Timeline * Submission deadline Nov 15 * Notification of acceptance Dec 1 * Confirmation of participation Jan 5 Please submit all materials in a single PDF file. Send the complete application to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with the message header “AIB-LAT 2018 Doctoral Consortium Application”. Specific questions about the consortium or application process can also be sent to [log in to unmask] José Ernesto Amorós, Ph.D. Professor & Doctoral Programs Director EGADE Business School Tecnológico de Monterrey Tel. Campus Santa Fe +52 (55) 9177 8000 Ext. 7997 Tel. Campus Ciudad de México: +52 (55) 5483 2020 Ext. 1389<> The content of this data transmission must not be considered an offer, proposal, understanding or agreement unless it is confirmed in a document signed by a legal representative of ITESM. The content of this data transmission is confidential and is intended to be delivered only to the addressees. Therefore, it shall not be distributed and/or disclosed through any means without the authorization of the original sender. If you are not the addressee, you are forbidden from using it, either totally or partially, for any purpose.