

Cuba-US Agricultural Relations

Justine Williams, co-editor of our latest book, “Land Justice: Re-Imagining Land, Food, and the Commons in the United States”, is no stranger to the history and development of Cuba.

While analyzing the Cuban Alternative Agricultural Movement, Williams recalls, “many of the agronomists and growers who pioneered Cuba’s organic, agroecological, permaculture and urban agriculture sectors making up the alternative agriculture movement had long harbored deep intellectual, ideological, and ethical interests in agricultural transformation”.

In addition, “As Cuba’s alternative agriculture movement spread, it captured the interest of an increasing number of people, including urban dwellers who wanted to increase their own food security and rural farmers who saw the benefits that these methods brought to both their productivity and their land. Although the notion of farming without chemicals was unfamiliar to many growers who learned to farm during the 1960s-1980s, the philosophies of organic and agroecological production resonated with practices that many campesinos remembered learning from their parents and grandparents”.

If you are interested in learning more on the Cuban transformation and its relationship to the United States, please visit:

In solidarity,

The mission of Food Sovereignty Tours is to build the global movement for food sovereignty through solidarity travel and immersion learning. Food Sovereignty Tours is a project of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy, called one of the country’s “most established food think tanks” by the New York Times.