Iwaniuk Lab, MSc and PhD positions The Iwaniuk lab at the University of Lethbridge is currently seeking applications from students interested in pursuing a MSc or PhD on sex differences and seasonal variations in brain anatomy and neurochemistry of ground squirrels. Graduate students will have the opportunity to work with several ground squirrel species found locally in southern Alberta as well as in the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere in western North America. Dedicated lab facilities include microtomes, cryostat, fluorescent microscope, a high-resolution digital slide scanner (Olympus VS-120), and the latest in stereology and neuron tracing software (StereoInvestigator and Neurolucida). Confocal and electron microscopy are also available within the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge. Field research is supported by a brand new 4x4 field vehicle and mobile lab for preparing samples (see below). In addition to our fieldwork in the Rocky Mountains, foothills and prairie regions of western Canada, opportunities are available for students to collaborate with researchers at other institutions in Canada, USA, Chile and Australia as well as travel to national and international conferences. More information about our lab can be found at: http://scholar.ulethbridge.ca/iwaniuk/home. The University of Lethbridge offers competitive scholarship funding, including tuition waivers, for applicants based on grades and research experience. Potential students must have a background in biology, psychology or neuroscience, some research experience and a valid driver’s license. No fieldwork experience is required. Deadlines for applications are 1 October and 1 February. For more details see: https://www.uleth.ca/graduate-studies/ Start dates are flexible, although a January or May start date are preferred so that the successful applicant(s) can take part in fieldwork. To apply, send: 1) a c.v.; 2) unofficial copies of academic transcripts; and 3) a brief description of your research interests to: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> . Applications will be evaluated as soon as they are received.