*Please share widely!* About the Position In collaboration with the Michigan Fitness Foundation, the Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) has created an opportunity to support its mission of advancing farmers markets to create a thriving marketplace for local food and farm products and its vision that all residents have access to healthy, locally grown food. This position will support MIFMA’s work to expand and support Michigan farmers markets accepting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, Double Up Food Bucks and other food assistance programs. *Food Navigators will be hired to support the following farmers markets:* *Saginaw, Bay City, Kalamazoo and Big Rapids.**For more information on this position - click here!* <http://mifma.org/2017/09/now-hiring-food-navigator/> *Applicants have the option of applying for both the Saginaw and Bay City openings to create a full-time position in the summer and part-time position in the winter. Applicants would split their time between the two markets.* This is a part-time, year-round, flat fee contract position based on 20 hours per week during the market season of June – October and 8 hours per week from November – May. Food Navigators will be hired for 65 weeks from September 2017 to December 31, 2018. Ideally, Navigators will live in the community surrounding the farmers market where they will be placed. Application Process Candidates should complete an application online <http://mifma.org/food-navigator-position-applicaton/>and send a cover letter explaining their desire for this position and why their skill set makes them a successful candidate along with their resume and names of three references (indicate relationship) by midnight *September 29, 2017*. Complete applications (application <http://mifma.org/food-navigator-position-applicaton/>, cover letter, resume, and references) can be uploaded online, or addressed to Emily Syrja, MIFMA Office Administrator, and emailed to [log in to unmask] with “Food Navigator Application” in the subject line. Incomplete applications or those not following this process will not be reviewed. Interviews will be held in the MIFMA office in East Lansing the week of October 2, 2017. A mandatory training for all navigators will be held at the MIFMA office in East Lansing. *For more information on this position - click here!* <http://mifma.org/2017/09/now-hiring-food-navigator/> -- *Samantha Collins* Communications and Events Manager Michigan Farmers Market Association 480 Wilson Road, Room 172 East Lansing, MI 48824 517.432.3381 *www.mifma.org <http://www.mifma.org>* *MIFMA Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/michiganfarmersmarketassociation>* *MIFMA Twitter* <http://twitter.com/farmersmarketmi> *Get under the umbrella! * If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html