
Please distribute the following message.  Thanks.

Eric Tsang


Dear AIB members,


I would like to introduce my recently published book The Philosophy of Management Research. The book provides a philosophy-based discussion of some key methodological issues encountered by social scientists, in particular management researchers. I included some of my previous journal papers in this domain, with substantial updates to take into account current developments.


This book may serve as a reference for doctoral seminars on research methodology offered by international business or management departments of business schools. The book should also be of interest to business researchers who would like to have a deeper understanding of the philosophical foundation of empirical research.


Should you have any questions about the book, you are welcome to contact me.




Eric W. K. Tsang

Dallas World Salute Distinguished Professor of Global Strategy

Naveen Jindal School of Management

800 West Campbell Rd., SM 43

University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX 75080-3021


Tel: (972) 883-4386

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