The European Journal of International Management (EJIM) is seeking new and active Editorial Review Board (ERB) members to join its ranks. EJIM is a leading international management journal with an impact
factor (Clarivate Analytics) for 2016 of 0.575 (5-Year Impact Factor: 0.831). The journal is indexed and ranked in Scopus, SSCI, ABS, and others.
EJIM current editorial structure has changed under the new leadership of Ilan Alon (University of Agder). The new editorial structure is now available online:
Active ERB members are expected to:
Successful ERB members
For a sample of some articles published in the journal, please see:
Interested scholars should submit their one-page application and Google Scholar profile to
[log in to unmask] by Oct 30th, 2017.
Ilan Alon, Ph.D.
Professor of Strategy and International Marketing
Head of International Affairs
School of Business & Law
University of Agder
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald, UK)
Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of International Management (Inderscience, UK)
Editor, Special Issue, Journal of World Business (Elsevier, UK)
Consulting Editor, Economic and Political Studies (Taylor & Francis, UK)
Gimlemoen 19, 9i 241
Post Box 422
4604 Kristiansand
Phone: +47 38 14 14 83
E-mail: [log in to unmask]