

Hi all,

Food First's Food Sovereignty Tours guide travelers with an interest in
alternative food movements to Cuba to explore their food system and their
fight for food sovereignty.

Past participants have described this tour by saying, “Agroecology, [...]
focuses on producing harmoniously with nature, stimulating life in multiple
directions. Variety, crop rotation, dialogue with nature, respect, and love
for living creatures, is its essence.  At this site, we were able to taste
the product of the farmer’s work, and feel the soil’s energy.”

Other past delegates also expressed, “It was reinforcing and inspiring to
be among people from all over the US. involved in different aspects of the
food system”.

For more information about our upcoming Food Sovereignty Tours, please

In solidarity,

John Spradling


John Spradling

Food Sovereignty Intern

Food Sovereignty Tours, a program of Food First

398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618

510 654 4400 x223

The mission of Food Sovereignty Tours is to build the global movement for

sovereignty through solidarity travel and immersion learning. Food

Tours is a project of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy,

called one of the country’s “most established food think tanks” by the New

York Times.