

Unpaid Internships with Growing Hope

About Growing Hope:
Growing Hope is a grassroots non-profit organization in Ypsilanti, Michigan dedicated to empowering individuals, groups and communities through gardening and increasing access to healthy food. We aim to use good food as a vehicle to Grow Healthy People, Grow Healthy Places, and Grow Healthy Economies. Full postings available online at:  <>

Volunteer Coordination Intern <>
As part of Growing Hope’s general operations, we seek a part-time intern to support the efforts of our Volunteer Coordinator in providing outreach, recruitment, orientation and management of individual and group volunteers. Growing Hope utilizes volunteers across all program areas, and internal operations, and is also seeking to expand opportunities to workplace and community groups seeking team-building and other benefits through service.

Specifically, the intern will work on data management and evaluation, collecting and tracking volunteer data. Intern duties may also include assisting in developing volunteer program and orientation materials, connecting with partners and local food suppliers, doing research and writing, and organizing events and/or meetings.  

Preferred start date: Week of September 11th, 2017. Internship runs until mid-December, 2017. Preference given to applicants who apply by August 31, 2017.

Healthy Food Access in Corner Stores Intern <>
Through Growing Hope’s Economic Development programs, we seek an intern to support increasing healthy food access and grow businesses and jobs through the local food economy.

Specifically, the intern will support the Healthy Corner Store initiative, assisting in organizing community members and corner store owners to stock fresh fruits and vegetables and local healthy products.  This initiative is also exploring how gaps can be filled in systems of healthy food distribution, delivery, storage, handling, and marketing that can make healthy options economically viable and sustainable for store owners.

Intern duties will include assisting in connecting with and organizing community partners, Ypsilanti residents, store owners, farmers and local food suppliers; performing research and writing, providing evaluation support, doing some healthy food recipe tastings, and organizing community meetings (i.e outreach, creating agendas, minutes, and follow-up).

Preferred start date: Week of September 25th, 2017. Internship runs until mid-December, 2017. Preference given to applicants who apply by September 5th, 2017.

Food Assistance Intern <>
The Food Assistance intern is responsible for the distribution of token currencies at the Ypsilanti Farmers MarketPlace in downtown Ypsilanti managed by Growing Hope. This intern will work under the supervision of and report to the Farmers Market and Nutrition Manager, and will liaison on site at the market with the Farmers Market Coordinator.

Growing Hope seeks a candidate enthusiastic and dedicated to Growing Hope’s mission of helping people improve their lives and communities through gardening and increasing access to healthy food. They must be energetic and committed to the success of the markets.

Preferred start date: August 21, 2017. Internship runs until mid-December 2017. Preference given to applicants who apply by August 18th, 2017

Farmers Market Intern <>
The Farmers Market Intern is responsible for being on-site at the Farm Stand on Fridays (September-October) and at special events as available to help set-up and tear-down, sell produce, distribute free food samples, assist with social media marketing, and provide exemplary customer service. In addition, the intern will be on-site at the Ypsilanti Indoor Farmers Market (November-December) assisting in social media marketing, data entry, produce selling, and general market operations assistance.

Growing Hope seeks a candidate enthusiastic and dedicated to Growing Hope’s mission of helping people improve their lives and communities through gardening and increasing access to healthy food. They must be energetic and committed to the success of the markets.

Preferred start date: August 21. Internship runs through mid-December 2017. Preference given to applicants who apply by August 18th, 2017.

Farm and Garden Intern <>
Growing Hope is offering an internship opportunity to students and community members interested in garden education, garden maintenance and healthy food access in the Ypsilanti community and greater Washtenaw County. The experience will provide an intern with a fundamental understanding garden and plant care, as well as Growing Hope’s garden and farm programs.

Preferred start date: Week of September 4th, 2017. Internship runs until mid-December, 2017. Preference given to applicants who apply by August 31, 2017.

More information and full postings available at:  <>

To apply: Send cover letter (1 page) and resume, that includes what you hope to gain during your internship, and what you think you could most contribute. Also include your desired hours and schedule availability. Please send these documents to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> or drop them off in person to the Growing Hope Center at 922 West Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

Growing Hope is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate potential employees based on race, creed, age, color, disability, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or marital status. We encourage the following groups to apply: people of color and individuals who possess an in­-depth understanding of poverty or economic hardship.

Maria Brummel, Assistant Director
Growing Hope
734-786-8401 office
248-910-0992 cell

Support Growing Hope TODAY! Everyone deserves healthy food and a chance to grow.
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