Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF), we invite you to register as a potential 2018 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) panelist. GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students
pursuing research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science or engineering at accredited US institutions. (See the Program Solicitation, NSF 16-588, for more
details on GRFP.) NSF seeks GRFP panels composed of researchers and educators from a wide range of institutions, geographic locations, and disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds.
Serving as a GRFP panelist is an excellent opportunity to apply your research and career expertise to help identify future science and engineering leaders, and to gain valuable perspective to share with faculty
and students at your institution. Panelists will also receive a flat rate payment of $200 per day for each full four-hour virtual panel session they attend. However, panelists who are Federal employees, citizens of foreign countries who are not permanent residents,
and special visa holders are not entitled to the flat rate payment.
Below are details of the 2018 panels:
If you would like to be considered as a 2018 GRFP panelist, please visit to register
in the panelist system. If you have not been a GRFP panelist, you may create a new profile by clicking “Create an account.” If you
have been a GRFP panelist, please log in with your email address and password, and update your profile. Registering in the panelist system or creating a profile does not commit you to serving as a GRFP panelist. Based on anticipated needs, NSF will
send formal invitations to registered panelists starting in late September. See for additional panelist information.
NOTE: If you have a student applying for the 2018 GRFP program or you will write a letter of recommendation for an applicant in a particular field of study, we request that you do not register to be
a panelist in that field due to the conflict of interest. Since GRFP applicants are early in their scientific training and are still developing their interests, most panelists are qualified to review in a range of fields. If you register in a particular field
and subsequently learn of a conflict of interest, please inform us so we can remove your name from the list of potential panelists or attempt to place you on a different panel.
Please share this opportunity to review GRFP applications with your colleagues.
We thank you in advance for your interest. If you have any questions, please contact the GRFP Operations Center at[log in to unmask] or (866) 673-4737.
Susan Brennan, Ty Mitchell, and Gisele Muller-Parker
Program Directors
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program