Apologies for cross-posting!
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA)
invites applications for full-time faculty positions
IIMA invites applications at the levels of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor in:
Business Policy Centre for Management in Agriculture Communications Economics Finance and Accounting Educational Innovation
| Information Systems Organizational Behaviour Public Systems Group Human Resource Management Production and Quantitative Methods |
IIMA is an autonomous school of Management in India. It was set up in 1961, with initial academic support from the Harvard Business School. Its flagship Post-Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management was set up in 1964. The Institute also offers a Fellow (PhD) Program in Management, a highly rated one year Post-Graduate Programme in Management for Executives (PGPX) and a top-ranked PGP in Food and Agri-Business Management (FABM).
IIMA also offers a wide range of open-enrolment and customized Executive Education programmes. IIMA has retained its pre-eminent position, as the top ranked management school in India over the past 50 years and has broken into the top 20s in international ratings.
IIMA promotes high-quality research, providing the best-in-class support to faculty and researchers. It enjoys a strong connect with the industry and government in India, offering a rich repertoire of relevant management problems and policy issues for research. Faculty members are also encouraged to build international collaborations.
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV, and recent publications in electronic form, to Dean (Faculty) at [log in to unmask]. For further details you can also visit our website www.iima.ac.in
Meet us at AOM: Our faculty members will be attending the AOM Annual Meeting in Atlanta in August 2017. Please feel free to meet/ask them for any further information:
Prof. Errol D’Souza, [log in to unmask] (Dean, Faculty)
Prof. Sunil Sharma [log in to unmask]Prof. Amit Karna [log in to unmask] (Strategy)
Prof. Vishal Gupta [log in to unmask] (OB)
Prof. K.V. Gopakumar [log in to unmask] (OB)
Prof. Rajesh Chandwani [log in to unmask] (HR)
Prof. Promila Agarwal [log in to unmask] (HR)