Special Issue of Global Strategy Journal on "Global Value Chains, Governance, and Globalization Strategies" DEADLINE: February 15, 2018 Special Issue Editors: Gary Gereffi, Duke University Pavida Pananond, Thammasat University Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University In this special issue, we propose to launch a renewed discussion of how firms configure their global activities and the governance of global value chains. We invite theoretical and empirical papers that extend our understanding of how the strategies of firms respond to shifting dynamics and the economic, political, and technological forces highlighted above. We welcome papers that investigate these issues across disciplines (international business, strategic management, entrepreneurship, economic geography, and development studies), for different units of analysis, and in different contexts (such as types of firms, global value chains, industries, and regions). The following topics illustrate the range of submissions we would encourage. 1. How do changes in the global political economic context affect the strategic direction of (lead) firms, particularly their evolving globalization strategy and ensuing structure? 2. What are the possible strategies that firms at different stages might develop to capture higher value and to achieve higher performance and profits within the changing context of global value chains? Can we challenge the notion of “moving up the value chain” as the principal way toward upgrading? 3. What kind of governance mechanisms are applicable to facilitate integration and connectivity when activities are separated and the mechanism of collocation and agglomeration are vanishing? 4. How has the rise of EMNEs altered the dynamics of global value chains? How has the relative power among chain participants been affected by the increased internationalization of EMNEs? 5. What are the development implications for economic, sectoral, and firm upgrading under the changing nature of global value chains? How do global value chains facilitate the development of local firms and their countries? What are the spillover effects of global value chains on local firms and their global competitiveness? 6. What are the managerial implications on firm strategy, structure, and performance for different types of firms? How do firms of different nature, size, resource, and national origin survive and prosper in global value chains? How do shifts in strategies affect intra-, inter-, and within-firm relationships? See the Call for papers here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/(ISSN)2042-5805/asset/homepages/GVC_GSJSpecial_issue.pdf?v=1&s=f37ef0db0062dbadcdfa796db9c8949064fc4fd6&isAguDoi=false Questions about the Special Issue may be directed to the special issue editors Gary Gereffi ([log in to unmask]), Pavida Pananond ([log in to unmask]) and Torben Pedersen ([log in to unmask]) ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.