Special issue call for papers from International Journal of Emerging Markets Given the enormous popularity of e-commerce in digital platforms, more specifically, the growing prominence of digital, social media, and mobile (DSMM) innovations and transactions (Lamberton and Stephen, 2016) worldwide, DSMM platforms continue to leverage the power of internet and mobile technology to create value and generate a paradigm shift in digital commerce for emerging markets’ landscape. Implying in their ubiquitous presence in almost every aspect of our lives, some scholars suggest our decade to be called as the era of digital platforms (Doyle, 2013) and mobile commerce (Featherman and Hajli, 2016). Their universal access has led to a sociological change (Gabszewicz, et al., 2015) that affects consumption patterns, purchasing behaviors and information seeking on consumer side; leading businesses to reconsider e-business and e-commerce models, distribution channels, and advertising techniques along with innovating value chains in emerging markets. Adapting to such innovative changes is a priority for businesses, regardless of size, age or market share, in order to survive in a highly competitive environment that is created by disruptive technologies. Taking advantage of digital platforms require businesses to rethink their business strategies, processes, people and practices. For some DSMM innovations, developing countries may borrow experiences and lessons from developed economies where ‘social commerce’ and rapidly changing trends in digital marketplace have impacted domains of social media and e-commerce (Yadav et al., 2013). In contrast, there are some DSMM value chain innovations where emerging markets are proving their strength and leadership. Take the example of mobile-money system M-PESA launched in 2007 in Kenya. It has changed the way two-thirds of adult Kenyans transfer cash to pay for various services. Success of online retailers like Flipkart and Snapdeal in India can be attributed to penetration of internet through “smart” mobile devices even though home internet and high-speed broadband connection remains beyond the reach of masses. This has prompted retail giants like Amazon to expand operations to India. While most of existing literature explores value creation, value proposition in digital platforms consists of both value creation and value delivery (Khajeheian, 2017). The value that many of DSMM platforms offer to their users has facilitated innovative market behaviors and interactions. For this reason, study of value creation and value chains in a DSMM environment warrants a study of value proposition, that can be one of both of value creation and value delivery. This special issue aims to broaden and deepen the dialogue about value creation and delivery in DSMM environment. Authors are strongly encouraged to contribute to the development of business and value chain theories for any field / domain of DSMM environments, report empirical and analytical research or present case studies, use critical discourse, and/or set out innovative research methodologies keeping in view of emerging markets (either solely or comparatively with other emerging / developed markets). We encourage authors to submit their contributions in above mentioned topics, or other emerging and ground-breaking topics, to expand our knowledge in DSMM platforms. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches are also welcome, so long as they are well grounded in the literature. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: ▪ Value driven strategies in DSMM environments ▪ Entertainment and digital media platforms for emerging markets ▪ Consumer behaviour and purchasing habits in DSMM platforms ▪ Mobile-commerce in DSMM platforms ▪ Network analysis, Netnography and data mining in DSMM platforms ▪ Value co-creation and collaborative value proposition ▪ Innovative logistics and supply chain adaptations in DSMM environment ▪ Digital economy, Bitcoin and payments, monetization ▪ Strategies of entry and survive in platforms ▪ Industrial organization approaches towards competition in digital platforms ▪ Merger and Acquisition: ownership and control in digital platforms ▪ Advances in advertising models for DSMM value chains ▪ Sources of Innovations: open innovation, user innovation, imitative innovation Each paper will be reviewed by the guest editors and, if found suitable, will be sent to at least two independent referees for double-blind peer review. Therefore, it is strongly advised that authors send an abstract to the editors prior to submission of their manuscripts. Such action is to ensure the relevance of submission and to receive preliminary feedback before the submission due date. Manuscripts for the special issue should be submitted through the IJoEM website: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijoem. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2018. Dr. Anshu Arora (Special Issue Editor) Associate Professor – Marketing Jay S. Sidhu School of Business and Leadership Wilkes University Wilkes-Barre, PA USA Dr. Amit Arora (Special Issue Editor) Associate Professor – Supply Chain Management Director – Giuffre Center for Supply Chain Management Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA USA Dr. Datis Khajeheian (Special Issue Editor) Assistant Professor – Media Management University of Tehran Tehran, Iran References Doyle, G. (2013). Re-invention and survival: newspapers in the era of digital multiplatform delivery. Journal of Media Business Studies, 10(4), 1-20. Featherman, M. S., & Hajli, N. (2016). Self-service technologies and e-services risks in social commerce era. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(2), 251-269. Gabszewicz, J., Resende, J., & Sonnac, N. (2015). Media as multi-sided platforms. Handbook on the Economics of the Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Khajeheian, D. (2017), Media Entrepreneurship: A Consensual Definition, AD-Minster 30, 91-113 Lamberton, C, & Stephen, A.T. (2016). A thematic exploration of digital, social media, and mobile marketing: Research evolution from 2000 to 2015 and an agenda for future inquiry. Journal of Marketing, 80(November 2016), 146-172. Yadav, M. S., De Valck, K., Hennig-Thurau, T., Hoffman, D. L., & Spann, M. (2013). Social commerce: a contingency framework for assessing marketing potential. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 311-323. Emerald Publishing Limited, Registered Office: Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley, BD16 1WA United Kingdom. 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