Dear Colleagues, The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has just published online its new July 2017 Issue, V.2, No. 2. New Perspectives in Family Business Research with free open access, at<> The editorial team invites you to review the Table of Contents, visit our web site, and view and download abstracts and the pdfs of the articles of your interest. You can also share the articles from the journal website to your social networks. Thanks for the continuing interest in the original reviews and articles of our peer-reviewed international journal. The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business is an open access registered journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals, and a registered trademark of UB, founded in 2016, indexed in DOAJ, Dialnet, Latindex, Google Scholars, RACO. For any inquiries and for submission of your original manuscripts and special issue proposals please contact Jaime López Guauque, Journal Manager, Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) Paloma Fernández Pérez and Jaume Valls, Editors-in-Chief Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business Vol 2, No 2 (2017) Special Issue New Perspectives in Family Business Research Table of Contents What is a Family Business?<> Francisco Javier Fernández-Roca, Fernando Gutiérrez Hidalgo The Importance of Brand Values in Family Business<> Rafael Bravo, Jesús Cambra, Edgar Centeno, Iguácel Melero Offshoring to Promote the Internationalization of Family Firms<> Fernando Merino Evolution of Research into the Management of Family Businesses that are Part of the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar Network of Chairs (1992-2016)<> José Casillas-Bueno, María López-Fernández, Angel Meroño-Cerdán, Juan Corona-Ramón What Do We Know about Accounting in Family Firms?<> Nieves Carrera The Generational Change in Family Businesses: Comparative Analysis between Italy and Peru<> César Cáceres Dagnino, Enrico Pinna Identifying Links between Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation: Some Considerations for Family Firms<> Iguácel Melero-Polo, María López-Pérez Aquest correu electrònic i els annexos poden contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i està adreçat exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. 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