---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Wilkins <[log in to unmask]> Date: Tue, May 30, 2017 at 3:27 PM Subject: Lecturer/Clinical Asst. Prof - Geospatial Analysis Ed. Coordinator, Boise State University To: [log in to unmask] Job Description - Geospatial Analysis Education Coordinator Boise State University seeks a Lecturer or Clinical Assistant Professor to serve as a Geospatial Analysis Education Coordinator beginning Fall 2017. The position includes teaching and administration of Boise State University’s growing geospatial program, including new online options. The position will have the opportunity to interface with students from a variety of units across campus (Geosciences, Biology, School of Public Service, Engineering, Anthropology, etc) and with faculty teaching and researching in the geospatial sciences. We seek a qualified individual who can work across the academic and professional boundaries for the benefit of the students. Job Duties: - Teach geospatial courses, in person and online, including Introduction to GIS - Utilize best practices to develop online courses in geospatial sciences - Coordinate geospatial curriculum across campus - Serve as liaison for Boise State’s graduate GIS certificate, GIS minor and proposed new online programs. - Serve as a liaison for students with local and national geospatial organizations to promote workforce development and connect students with training and employment opportunities - Organize, as appropriate, workshops and training opportunities to increase education of geospatial programs in the Treasure Valley, Idaho Qualifications: The minimum requirements are an MS (Lecturer) or PhD (Clinical Assistant Professor) degree in Geography or related discipline. Professional/industry level experience is considered a plus. In addition, a Certified Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional qualification will be considered favorably. The ability to use spatial datasets from various social and physical sciences is essential. If you are interested in this position: Please submit in one PDF document: a cover letter, CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness, if available, and contact information for a minimum of three professional references. In the cover letter, you should address the following items in this order: 1) your qualifications for this position, including evidence of excellence in teaching; 2) your vision in developing a geospatial education program at Boise State; and 3) your interest and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Apply here: https://boisestate.taleo.net/careersection/exfac/jobdetail. ftl?job=170501&tz=GMT-06%3A00 Screening of applicants will begin June 15 and will continue until the position is filled. ********************************************* David E. Wilkins Associate Professor Department of Geosciences Boise State University Boise, Idaho 83725-1535 web: http://earth.boisestate.edu/home/dwilkins 208-426-2390 <(208)%20426-2390> campus 208-850-7786 <(208)%20850-7786> voice *I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.* Edna St. Vincent Millay