Dear AIB Colleagues,

On the eve of this year's annual conference, with the theme 'The contribution of MNEs to building sustainable societies', I would like to alert you to a soon to be published special edition of Transnational Corporations co-edited by Caroline Witte and John Dilyard on 'The Contribution of Multinational Enterprises to the Sustainable Development Goals'. As is evidenced by the many sessions and papers related to sustainable development that will be presented in Dubai, this is an important and growing area of inquiry.  Several of the authors of papers in the special issue will in fact be at the conference.  Although a publication date has not yet been set, Prof. Witte and I wanted to alert you about it.  Our hope is that the topics in the special issue will spark additional research agendas.  For reference, the papers and their authors are listed below.

"Multinational enterprises and the Sustainable Development Goals: what do we know and how to proceed?"  by Ans Kolk, Arno Kourula and Niccolò Pisani 

"Exploring the Interface of CSR and the Sustainable Development Goals" by Norma Schönherr, Florian Findler, and André Martinuzzi

"The multinational and the legitimation of sustainable development"  by William J. Donoher

"Corporate sustainability assessments: MNE engagement with sustainable development and the SDGs"  by Cheree Topple, Jerome D Donovan, Eryadi K. Masli and Thomas Borgert

"MNE Subsidiaries’ Adoption of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Goal: 
A Conceptual Framework" by Jane Lai Yee Terpstra-Tong

"Microfinance for poverty alleviation: Do transnational initiatives overlook fundamental questions of competition and intermediation?" by Frithjof Arp

"Under African skies: mining TNCs in Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals"  by W. Travis Selmier II and Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi
We will let you know when the issue is published.


John Dilyard and Caroline Witte
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