


The Department of Management of ESSEC Business School seeks to fill three
positions effective September 2018 or before. All positions are offered at
the Assistant/Associate Professor level, for our Paris campus in
Cergy-Pontoise, France.

1.       International Management / Strategy (IM/S)

2.       Organizational Behavior (OB)

3.       Entrepreneurship (ENT)

Applicants must demonstrate ability to conduct high quality research and
the potential to teach in an international environment. Teaching
responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate courses in
International Management, OB/OT, strategy or entrepreneurship, depending on
the position. Knowledge of French is not required for these positions.

The application deadline is *September 15th, 2017*. Interested candidates
should send their application file consisting of (a) CV (b) research
statement (c) a sample of publications and/or working papers, and (d) three
letters of recommendation electronically to [log in to unmask] Please
indicate which one of the three areas (IM/S, OB, ENT) you are applying for
in your cover letter.

We will also be conducting *initial informal interviews at the Academy of
Management* (AOM) meeting in Atlanta in August 2017. Interested candidates
who wishes to meet us should submit a letter of interest along with a
curriculum vitae and a sample of scholarly work by *July 21st, 2017*. All
application materials should be sent electronically [log in to unmask]

The Management department at ESSEC Business School
of 31 full time faculty with expertise in entrepreneurship, human
resources, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and strategy.
Members of the Management department have published in all the leading
journals and are highly involved in the excellent ESSEC PhD program. A list
of our members can be found at

The department also has strong links with departments of economics and
public and private policy, where complementary research and teaching
activities on labor markets, philanthropy and social entrepreneurship are
undertaken in close collaboration with corporate partners. This includes
Chairs in Diversity and Leadership, Philanthropy and Social
Entrepreneurship and a research Center on Capitalism, Globalization and

ESSEC offers a dynamic and stimulating research and teaching environment in
Paris, one of the most exciting places in the world. Founded in 1907, ESSEC
(*Ec**ole Supérieure des Sciences **Ec**onomiqueset Commerciales*) is one
of the *Grandes **Ec**oles* in France with an outstanding international
reputation. ESSEC Business School has campuses in Paris, Singapore & Rabat,
offering mostly graduate level training in business administration (Masters
in Management, MBA, Executive MBA, Specialized Masters, PhD) and Executive
Education. ESSEC is reputed for its international orientation and has
partnerships with prominent institutions worldwide. The Asia Pacific campus
was established in Singapore in 2006 and the African campus was established
in Rabat in 2017.

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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