Dear Sr/Madam, Please distribute to the AIB list.Due to the overwhelming responds, and some parties have requested to extend the deadline for abstract submission, the following is the revised timeline.Call for book chapter proposals
“Global Business Strategies for Institutions of Higher Education”
About the book: The institutions of higher learning are going through many challenges in the 21st century in terms of funding from the government, internationalization, managing student mobility, dynamic changes in the industry relevant curriculum and many others. The internationalization model of higher education is changing exponentially to meet the diverse demands of current students, educators, private higher education (HE) institution owners, regulatory bodies, parents and student associations. Therefore, it is timely to have a book depicting global trends in different parts of the world and predicting the future of HE, and the impact on all of us.
Publisher: University Sains Malaysia Press
Submission of chapter proposal:
May 31, 2017June 10, 2017
Notice of acceptance: June 15, 2017
Final chapter submission: July 26, 2017
The Structure of the Book
Part 1 - The Internationalization of Higher Education (HE)
- What model to be used?
- Challenges and issues of HE Internationalization c
- etc
Part 2 - The Global Trends in Higher Learning Institutions by Regions (Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand & Middle East)
- Evolution of Teaching pedagogy through on-line learning, MOOC, flipped classroom..etc
- Revolution of Dual degree program
- Quality assurance of higher education
- Accreditation of universities worldwide
- University ranking challenges and issues
- Autonomy of universities, sustainability and funding issues
- International student mobility
- Industry-University collaborations and R&D ventures across the border
- etc
Part 3 - The Future of Higher Education
- What is ahead of us in HE?
- Can we follow UBER operation structure in HE?
Target Audience
The primary target audience for this publication are academics devoted to the study of higher institution industry and all of its related topics. The secondary audience are practitioners and others who have an interest in the subject matter.
Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit a chapter proposal of 500–800 words by email to the editor at the address below on or before May 31, 2017. Submissions should not been published or under review elsewhere. Accepted authors will be invited to submit full chapters by July 26, 2017. All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review. Accepted authors may be asked to serve as reviewers. The book is expected to be published by December 2017.
Note: There are NO submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication.
Please address submissions or requests for more information to the editor:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shankar Chelliah: [log in to unmask]
Thanks & Warm RegardsProfesor Madya Dr.Shankar ChelliahAssociate Professor of International BusinessProgram Manager for Internship,Graduate Employability and AlumniSchool of ManagementUniversiti Sains MalaysiaTel: 653 3878 Mobile: 012 4618731